We have now moved into our new Head Office, called The White House, in Jaffray Crescent, Erdington, Birmingham – just in case you thought we had moved to Washington DC, USA!
The property is next door to Lime Court Nursing Home, which is where it all began in 1991 for Jaffray Care. So you could say we have brought our Head Office “back home”. Although we were sad to leave our offices and friends at the Sanctuary in Castle Vale, we are convinced that this move will give us a firm foundation for developing further services for adults with developmental disabilities in the West Midlands region.
The official opening of our Head Office was a great success, as we were joined by many of our staff and clients, as well as representatives from the health authority and other professionals who help us in our work.
Happy Chinese New Year ” Gong Xi Fa Cai “
All the Staff and Service Users at Parkfield's Crescent enjoyed celebrating the Chinese New Year " Gong Xi Fa Cai " Chinese Lunar year 2005 marks the start of the year of the snake, a time of transformation, wisdom, and personal growth.