Just before Christmas our projects at Tudor Gardens in Erdington and Parkfields in Wolverhampton had unannounced inspections by the Care Quality Commission. They were found to be compliant in all the areas that were assessed and the following comments were made in the reports:
” We found that people who lived there were treated with respect and dignity. We also saw that people’s independence was promoted whenever possible.”
” People benefited from staffing levels that met their specific needs and enabled them to engage in activities with the support they needed to be safe. One staff member told us, ‘ It’s a lovely place to work. We have support from our manager, regular training and enough staff to support people.’ ”
Well done to everyone concerned.
Happy Chinese New Year ” Gong Xi Fa Cai “
All the Staff and Service Users at Parkfield's Crescent enjoyed celebrating the Chinese New Year " Gong Xi Fa Cai " Chinese Lunar year 2005 marks the start of the year of the snake, a time of transformation, wisdom, and personal growth.