
Jaffray Newsletter

24 November 2014

Hello everyone and welcome to the very first addition of the Jaffray Newsletter. Its’ aim is to provide all staff with an update of what is happening within Jaffray Care and keep you informed with news, developments and ideas.
All staff members can contribute to its content. Two additions per year will be added Autumn/Winter and Spring/Summer.

What can you do?

Help support our care

Donations are incredibly important to Jaffray Care.
 There are lots of ways you can lend your support and the amazing kindness and generosity of people like you makes our work possible.

Happy Chinese New Year ” Gong Xi Fa Cai “

All the Staff and Service Users at Parkfield's Crescent enjoyed celebrating the Chinese New Year " Gong Xi Fa Cai " Chinese Lunar year 2005 marks the start of the year of the snake, a time of transformation, wisdom, and personal growth.

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