Jaffray Care Society – Care Quality Commission for Tudor Gardens
At the beginning of 2016 three of our services were inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and were fully compliant. These inspections were unannounced and once again our approach to supporting vulnerable adults in our community was recognised to be at a very high standard, with good management strategies in place. The following quotes were taken from these CQC reports:
“There was a strong and visible person-centred and caring approach to all aspects of the care and support people received at Tudor Gardens and relatives we spoke with told us that the care their loved ones’ received was, “Outstanding” and, “Exceptional”. One relative we spoke with told us, “It’s outstanding; we couldn’t wish for a better place, we were lucky she was placed there”. Another relative said, “It’s exceptional, fantastic; we couldn’t be happier”. A third relative told us, “I can’t speak highly enough; it’s excellent! I hope it’s there when I need it!”
“During our inspection we observed staff interacting with people with warmth and compassion”.
“Discussions we had with the staff demonstrated to us, their dedication and commitment to providing the best standard of care they could to people who lived at Tudor Gardens”.
“During our inspection, we saw that there was a clear leadership structure within the service which had developed and sustained a positive, person-centred culture within Tudor Gardens”.
There are some excellent examples of innovative care delivery within our areas and we continue to ensure that these examples are shared and implemented throughout the organisation. The majority of the Service users enjoyed a holiday last year, with many going abroad, on cruises and one individual even enjoyed a helicopter flight.