
Awards and Celebrations week!

18 July 2016

It’s been an amazing week for us all at Jaffray Care. It certainly was “the week that was” and will be remembered for a long time to come.

Wednesday 13th July 2016

Our wonderful staff trio of Wayne Hardiman, Di Cash and Mike Malone attended the ROSPA black tie awards ceremony at the Metropole Hotel in Birmingham where they were presented with the Silver Award. Always determined to be at the top of the Health and Safety ladder Jaffray Care put in a strong entry and was rewarded accordingly. Thanks to all

Thursday 14th July 2016

The “Oscar Night “of the Learning Disability and Autism field.

The British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD) hosted the National Learning Disabilities and Autism Awards at the ICC in Birmingham. With over 1000 people from all over the UK attending this Black tie, gala event, Jaffray Care were again for the second year running named Employer of the Year 2016. It is the first time any Charity has won an award twice in a row and is a reflection of our determination to ensure we train, mentor, coach and reward our staff.

Colleen Hamilton also sung a wonderful rendition of Three little Birds as part of the Ebrook Choir.

The end of the night saw the final award for “Outstanding Contribution” announced and presented by TV personality Christopher Biggins. It was presented to our very own Chief Executive Lee Hendon! Lee was recognised by BILD for her 30 years contribution to learning disabilities and mental health nursing. Her work in the criminal justice system was also highly commended and she was also recognised for her academic research and for her pioneering focus to improve services for people with challenging needs and complex health care.

Friday 15th July 2016

Jaffray Care 25TH Anniversary Party
A momentous and memorable day in the history of Jaffray Care our 25th Anniversary party.
Attended by our service users, Staff, families, partners in business, professionals it really was “the best party Jaffray has ever seen”.
Our local MP Jack Dromey gave a wonderful speech which reflected the “nobility of those who work at Jaffray” and the magnificent care they deliver.
Representatives, photographers and journalists were present from the Chamber of Commerce and the Institute of Directors so party photographs and articles will be appearing in their publications. This is great for our fund raising initiatives.
We would like to say a huge “thank you” to all our supporters who made the day a success.

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 There are lots of ways you can lend your support and the amazing kindness and generosity of people like you makes our work possible.