
Multi-sensory room officially open!

17 March 2017

Harvey Sandford, Lloyds Bank Relationship Manager officially opened Jaffray Care’s new sensory room on the 10th March 2017. The team at Lloyds Bank PLC were one of the many business partners, friends, staff and neighbours of Jaffray Care who helped raise £20,000 to build the new room.

The event was attended by local MP Jack Dromey, John Phillips M.B.E. from the Institute of Directors and Gary Birch from the Chamber of Commerce and along with many relatives, neighbours and friends of Jaffray Care.

Harvey Sandford cuts the ribbon to declare the sensory room officially open.
Our state-of-the-art facility, believed to be one of the largest of its kind in Birmingham features all the latest technology and equipment to benefit our Service Users. Adults and Children with special educational needs or disabilities will be able to take advantage of the room from the wider community too.

The facility has been designed to stimulate all the senses, including touch, sound, vision, movement and even smell to enhance user’s awareness of their environment.
It is completely interactive so users can relax or interact and control all the elements making it a unique experience each time they visit. As well as bubble tubes, the room includes a vibration water bed and projectors, moving light scanners and colour changing LED’s.

To find out about sessions and book a place, call Mrs Maggie Jones on 0121 377 2800 or email

Bindi Lal with Anne Hadden and Mr & Mrs Shields

Dromey MP with Maggie Jones, the Jaffray Centre Manager and Harvey Sandford, Lloyds Bank

Councillor Jackie Taylor, Erdington MP Jack Dromey with Lee Hendon, Jaffray Chief Executive.

“I can’t tell you how delighted I am that our staff, friends, neighbours and business partners came together to raise £20,000 to enable this project to happen. Their efforts will make a lot of people with developmental disabilities very happy. The multi-sensory room will offer huge benefits whether it is interactive or calming we can now create the environment that will act as a tool for achieving specific measurable educational and therapeutic goals. On behalf of us all at Jaffray care a big thankyou to everyone who donated.”
– Lee Hendon C.E.O.


A card of thanks received from one of our Service Users parents who attends Lorien at Marsh Lane.

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