
Our COVID -19 Message 

12 May 2020

2020 is the year the whole world stopped to stand in awe of the amazing work that you do.

Our COVID -19  Message 

Jaffray staff have risen to the challenge of COVID-19 and made such an important difference for all our service users at this unprecedented time. They have showed exceptional bravery and courage in ensuring everyone stays safe and well. We have managed to keep the virus at bay in the majority of our homes and have managed very complex care interventions where needed and to ensure no spread of infection. 2020 is the World Health Organisations ‘Year of the Nurse’ and the challenges brought about by COVID-19 have shone a light on the exceptional role care home nurses play.  At Jaffray Care we want to thank all those nurses but also our own vitally important front-line care staff working in our service and adult social care across the UK.
We are, at the moment, infection free at Jaffray Care and will continue to do everything in our power to remain so.
We are also reassuring families that we continue to ensure we have the highest quality safety standards and continue to barrier nurse. It is hard not being able to visit relatives, but we encourage you to use Skype, Face Time and use the telephone as often as you can.
From day one we ensured we had stockpiles of PPE to ensure everyone stays safe going forward. Our support staff at the Whitehouse have also been exceptional, keeping head office open during lockdown to ensure our front-line staff have everything they need, PPE, food and other supplies to keep everything running smoothly.
We also encourage all our staff to get tested. They have the opportunity to be tested through regional testing centres or using home testing kits at any of our sites.
Along with schools, restaurants, and cafes where social distancing is difficult to practice, we have unfortunately closed our Day Centre. It was with heavy heart and sadness but keeping it open meant we could not guarantee anyone’s safety.
We also wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has donated to Jaffray Care and its wonderful staff in the last few weeks. Your continued support has been extraordinary. We have received some fantastic donations from masks, gloves, face visors, food from Deliveroo and generous donations towards our very special sensory garden project.
Thank you to everyone who has also taken the time to get in touch during this uncertain time, we all appreciate your thoughts and prayers. We also remember those in our profession who have lost their lives to COVID-19. We keep them in our hearts and won’t forget them.
While things may not be the same, we will return to a greater sense of normality in time.
Stay safe and keep well.

Jaffray Care Board of Trustees

12th May 2020


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