
The Activity Hub is now open

3 August 2021

Our new Activity Hub is now open! It’s for people to share interests, build skills and reduce social isolation and if appropriate support them moving closer to employability or provide volunteering experience. We also wish to provide an environment that supports people and communities who experience disproportionate challenge and difficulty as a result of the COVID-19 crisis.

Anyone who needs a little extra help because of their complex health care needs, age, physical disability, sensory impairment, intellectual disability, mental health needs or require palliative care is welcome at the Activity Hub.

Please ring us on 0121 377 2420 to book office space, a room for a community activity or to join us for a day of planned activities.

Watch this space for the opening date for our new community café.

What can you do?

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 There are lots of ways you can lend your support and the amazing kindness and generosity of people like you makes our work possible.

Happy Chinese New Year ” Gong Xi Fa Cai “

All the Staff and Service Users at Parkfield's Crescent enjoyed celebrating the Chinese New Year " Gong Xi Fa Cai " Chinese Lunar year 2005 marks the start of the year of the snake, a time of transformation, wisdom, and personal growth.

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