
the care workers’ charity

12 December 2023

At Jaffray Care we recognise that working in care at this time of year isn’t easy. It can feel hard to ask for help or to let people know you are a carer. Your life can sometimes feel very different and it can seem like others don’t understand. You might benefit from support from the care workers charity. The only criteria is you need to be currently employed in the care sector. It’s all free and confidential.

And don’t forget at Jaffray Care we have our own trained Mental Health First Aiders who can listen and signpost you to get the help you need. It’s all confidential because we understand sometimes you need to get things off your chest and get some support and care for yourself.

Sarah Harnell – 07595 565512

Tayla Allen – 07813 858162

If you are struggling you can also contact Lisa Kelly at The Whitehouse who can talk through occupational health options. Remember – you need to take care of yourself so you can care for others.

Mental Wellbeing and Health Support - The Care Workers Charity


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 There are lots of ways you can lend your support and the amazing kindness and generosity of people like you makes our work possible.

Happy Chinese New Year ” Gong Xi Fa Cai “

All the Staff and Service Users at Parkfield's Crescent enjoyed celebrating the Chinese New Year " Gong Xi Fa Cai " Chinese Lunar year 2005 marks the start of the year of the snake, a time of transformation, wisdom, and personal growth.

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